Ukrainian speaking club

Be welcome to join out group.

Here you will find group classes of the Ukrainian language. Every day we have a class of Ukrainian grammar, poetry, travel phrases, reading and speaking class. Every Sunday we have a very special class with an invited person who shares Ukrainian traditions and folk art with us. We sing songs together, read books, and have warm conversations.

Basic conversations

Basic conversations Beginner Level 10 min

17. By the way...

до речі - by the way

Read the dialogue. Check the translation. Listen to the audio and repeat after the speakers.

Oksana: Мені потрібно піти на шопінг.
А тобі?
I need to go shopping.
And you?
Oliver: Так, мені теж. Yes, me too.
Oksana: До речі, коли ти останній раз був у магазині? By the way, what is the last time you were at a shop?
Oliver: Я не пам'ятаю. I do not rememder.
Oksana: Підемо в магазин завтра? Will we go to the shop tomorrow?
Oliver: Так, хороша ідея.
Я зможу купити штани.
До речі, тобі треба щось купити?
Yes, good idea.
I will be able to buy trousers.
By the way, do you need to buy sometnihg?
Oksana: Так, мені треба купити шапку. Yes, I need to buy a hat.
20 Feb, 2019