Ukrainian speaking club

Be welcome to join out group.

Here you will find group classes of the Ukrainian language. Every day we have a class of Ukrainian grammar, poetry, travel phrases, reading and speaking class. Every Sunday we have a very special class with an invited person who shares Ukrainian traditions and folk art with us. We sing songs together, read books, and have warm conversations.

Common Expressions

Common Expressions Beginner Level 20 min

15. Asking and giving permission in Ukrainian

Asking for permission
Можна...? - Can I...?
Чи можу я...? - May I...?
Чи можна мені...? - Am I allowed...?
Ти не заперечуєш, якщо я...? - Do you mind if I...?
Я хочу..., можна? - I want to..., can I?

Можна зайти? - May I come in?
Чи можу я взяти твою ручку, будь ласка? - Can I taket your pen, please?
Чи можна мені піти на прогулянку? - Can I go for a walk?
Ти не заперечуєш, якщо я куритиму тут? - Do you mind if I will smoke here?
Я хочу купити тобі морозива, можна? - I want to buy an ice cream for you, can I?

Giving permission
Можна - It is allowed
Так, ти можеш - Yes, you can
Так, звісно - Yes, sure
Я не проти - I do not mind
Я не заперечую - I do not mind

Refusing permission
Ні, не можна - No, you can't
Вибач, не можна - Sorry, it is not allowed
Ти не можеш це зробити - You could not do that
Вибач, це недозволено - Sorry, it is not permitted
Я боюсь ні - I’m afraid not

03 Apr, 2019