Ukrainian speaking club

Be welcome to join out group.

Here you will find group classes of the Ukrainian language. Every day we have a class of Ukrainian grammar, poetry, travel phrases, reading and speaking class. Every Sunday we have a very special class with an invited person who shares Ukrainian traditions and folk art with us. We sing songs together, read books, and have warm conversations.

Common Expressions

Common Expressions Beginner Level 20 min

20. Demanding explanations in Ukrainian

Demanding explanations
Ти можеш пояснити...? - Can you explain...?
Як так сталось, що ти...? How come that you...?
Ти можеш сказати мені, чому ти...? - Can you tell me why you...?
Я не розумію,чому... - I do not understand why...
Як так, що...? - How is that ?
Ти очікуєш, що я...? - Do you expect that I...?
Поясни мені будь ласка... - Explain me please...
Чому ти...? - Why you...?

Ти можеш пояснити, чому ти так пізно? - Can you explain why you was so late?
Як так сталось, що ти загубив сумку? - How come it has happen you to lost the bag?
Ти можеш сказати мені, чому ти ще тут? - Can you tell me why are you still here?
Я не розумію, чому ти ніколи не закінчуєш роботу вчасно - I don’t understand why you never finished the work on time.
Як так, що ти не розповів мені правду? - Why is it that you didn’t tell the true?
Ти очікуєш, що я повірю тобі? - Do you expect me to believe you?
Як ти це поясниш? - How will you explain that?
Що ти на це скажеш? - What will you say about it?
Чому ти так зробив? - Why haveyou done so?
Я вимагаю пояснень від тебе - I demand explanations from you.

09 Apr, 2019