Ukrainian speaking club
Be welcome to join out group.
Here you will find group classes of the Ukrainian language. Every day we have a class of Ukrainian grammar,
poetry, travel phrases, reading and speaking class. Every Sunday we have a very special class with an invited
person who shares Ukrainian traditions and folk art with us. We sing songs together, read books, and have
warm conversations.
07. My room
кімната - a room
ліжко - a bed
стіл - a table
стілець - a chair
іграшка - a toy
лампа - a lamp
підлога - a floor
килим - a carpet
Read the text. Check translation. Listen to the audio. Answer the questions below the text.
Я маю кімнату. | I have a room. |
Моя кімната невелика. | My room is not big. |
Велике вікно є по центру кімнати. | Big window is in the center of the room. |
Біле ліжко є справа від вікна. | The white bed is on the right from the window. |
Я сплю тут. | I sleep here. |
Невеликий стіл і стілець є зліва від вікна. | Small table and chair are on the left from the window. |
Тут я бавлюся у іграшки. | I play with toys here. |
Двері в кімнату є навпроти вікна. | Door to the room is in opposite side to the window. |
На стелі висить лампа. | The lamp is hanging on the ceiling. |
На підлозі є гарний килим. | Nice carpet is on the floor. |
Моя кімната чудова! | My room is wonderful! |
Кімната Євгенка велика чи невелика? | Eugene's room is big or not big? | |
Якого кольору ліжко у хлопчика? | What colour is boy's bed? | |
Що є зліва від вікна? | What is on the left from the window? | |
Що висить на стелі? | What is hanging on the ceiling? | |
Який килим є на підлозі? | What carpet is on the floor? |
23 Dec, 2018