Ukrainian speaking club

Be welcome to join out group.

Here you will find group classes of the Ukrainian language. Every day we have a class of Ukrainian grammar, poetry, travel phrases, reading and speaking class. Every Sunday we have a very special class with an invited person who shares Ukrainian traditions and folk art with us. We sing songs together, read books, and have warm conversations.

Ukrainian alphabet

Ukrainian alphabet Beginner Level 10 min

01. Ukrainian letters "А Б В Г Ґ Д"

Task: Watch the video. Memorize following letters: А Б В Г Ґ Д

Task: Listen to the audio and repeat after the speaker

Ба, ва, га, ґа, да.
Аба, ава, ага, аґа, ада.
Баба, вага, ґава, вада, даба.
Два, ґав, дав, гава.

мама, хата, каса, зараз
бачити, брати, табір
ватра, звір, довго
гриб, голос, грім
ґуля, дзиґа, ґрати, аґрус
додому, туди, діти, дерево

Task: Write down what you can hear

Task: Watch the video for advanced learning

25 May, 2019