Ukrainian speaking club

Be welcome to join out group.

Here you will find group classes of the Ukrainian language. Every day we have a class of Ukrainian grammar, poetry, travel phrases, reading and speaking class. Every Sunday we have a very special class with an invited person who shares Ukrainian traditions and folk art with us. We sing songs together, read books, and have warm conversations.

Ukrainian tourist guide

Ukrainian tourist guide Advanced Level 20 min

02. Where to drink a cup of hot chocolate in Kyiv?

Listen to the audio first. Follow the text related to the audio and pay attention to missed words in the text. You can check whether your answer is correct by clicking on the empty field.

Де випити гарячого шоколаду в Києві?

Ти любиш гарячий шоколад ? Тоді читай далі. В Києві є таке кафе. Його назва - "Львівська майстерня шоколаду". Ти запитаєш: "Чому Львівська"?. Бо перше таке кафе з'явилося у Львові. Тепер це кафе є у десяти містах України. А в Києві є аж три таких кафе.

Тобі тут сподобається! Тут стіни шоколадного кольору. Тут завжди пахне шоколадом. Тут є дуже смачні цукерки з шоколадом, тістечка з шоколадом, торти з шоколадом. Ще тут є кава з шоколадом, чай з шоколадом і какао з шоколадом.

Приходь сюди один раз і захочеш прийти сюди ще багато-багато раз!

Where to drink ( a cup of) hot chocolate in Kyiv?

Do you like to drink hot chocolate? Then continue to read (read futher). There is such cafe in Kyiv. Its name - "Lviv handmade chocolate". You will ask: "Why Lviv?" Because first such cafe had appeared in Lviv. Now that cafe is in 10 ukrainian's cities. And there are 3 such cafes in Kyiv.

You will like here! Here are walls with chocolate colour. It always smells like chocolate here. Here are very tasty candies with chocolate, pastries with chocolate, cakes wit chocolate. Here is coffee with chocolate, tea with chocolate and cacao with chocolate.

Come here once and you will want to come here many-many times!

30 Sep, 2018